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Pre Primary Section
In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists who developed a classification of levels of intellectual behavior important in learning. This became a taxonomy including three overlapping domains; the cognitive, effective and psycho motor Bloom identified six levels within the cognitive domain, from the simple recall or recognition of facts, as the lowest level, through increasingly more complex and abstract mental levels, to the highest order which is classified as evaluation.
Our Philosophy
Verb examples that represent intellectual activity on each level are listed here.
Knowledge: arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat.
Comprehension: classify, describe, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, review, select, translate
Application: apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, interpret, operate, practice
Analysis: calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, examine, experiment, question.
Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop .
Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate